Can Do Better: mapping ordinary anti-racism and pro-sociality in Victoria Policy Evidence Summary
The research addresses the relatively neglected subject of anti-racism in Australia. The research maps the frequencies and forms of everyday anti-racism and prosocial attitudes and interaction in Victoria; identifies the factors and social variations that underlie everyday action; and explores transversal enabler practices quantitatively, including their prevalence.
Our findings highlight five key areas that are significant for furthering anti-racism action.
Kevin Dunn, Jehonathan Ben, Rachel Sharples, Nida Denson, Amanuel Elias, Fethi Mansouri, Craig McGarty, Yin Paradies, Oznur Sahin
Identifying and filling racism data gaps in Victoria: Policy Evidence Summary
We report on a stocktake review of racism data collected nationally in Australia and with a specific focus on Victoria. We provide a comprehensive overview, summary and synthesis of quantitative data on racism, identify gaps in racism data collection, analysis and uses, and make recommendations on bridging those data gaps and informing anti-racism action and policy.
Based on the review, we identified eight gaps to racism data collection and analysis and to collection methodologies. We recommend four interconnected ways to fill racism data gaps for anti-racism researchers, organisations and policymakers: 1) Further analyse existing data to address critical questions about racism; 2) Collect and analyse additional data; 3) Enhance data availability and integration; and 4) Improve policies that relate to the collection, analysis, reporting and overall management of racism data.
Jehonathan Ben, Amanuel Elias, Rachel Sharples, Kevin Dunn, Craig McGarty, Mandy Truong, Fethi Mansouri, Nida Denson, Jessica Walton and Yin Paradies
Asian Australians’ Experiences of Racism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Evidence Summary
Our research looked at Asian Australians’ experiences of racism before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We examined how these experiences are associated with their mental health, wellbeing and feelings of belonging. We analysed how targets and witnesses respond to racist incidents, and whether they report these incidents. This document contains our recommendations for policymakers.
Alanna Kamp, Nida Denson, Rosalie Atie, Kevin Dunn, Rachel Sharples, Matteo Vergani, Jessica Walton, Susan Sisko